Lighthearted Intercourse

Full-Length Play, Dramatic Comedy  /  1w, 3m

Just a year into marriage and with a young baby
to care for, Joe is one of three million unemployed looking for work every day
- when he’d much rather be spending time with his young wife, Madge.

Lighthearted Intercourse

  • Cast Size
    Cast Size
    1w, 3m
  • SubGenre
    Period, Romantic Comedy



Just a year into marriage and with a young baby to care for, Joe is one of three million unemployed looking for work every day - when he’d much rather be spending time with his young wife, Madge. Both have secrets from their past that they are reluctant to share with each other, until an unexpected visitor appears who seems to know exactly what the future holds.

LIGHTHEARTED INTERCOURSE is a tender, funny and intimate portrayal of a young couple living in 1920s Bolton, adjusting to married life and discussing their fears, anxieties and conflicting needs.

It was unearthed from Bill Naughton’s personal archive and reworked by David Thacker at the Octagon Theatre, Bolton, where it received its world premiere in October 2012.

First performed at the Octagon Theatre, Bolton,on 4th October 2012

Clara (voice)
Albert (voice)

  • Time Period 1920s
  • Setting The play is set in a small house in an industrial street in Bolton.
  • Features Period Costumes


A first-rate play, full of rare interest and moments of sublime comedy and exquisite sadness - almost in equal measure. - The Stage.

Licensing & Materials

  • Minimum Fee: £70 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


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Bill Naughton

The Irish-born but British-bred Naughton (1910-1992) was a key figure in postwar English literature, one of the earliest of the kitchen sink school of writers, and he was an incredibly prolific producer of everything from short stories to screenplays to diaries. Bill Naughto ...
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